February Webinar: Decision-Focused Dashboards: Answering the Right Project Questions

Ways of Working

Presentation: Decision-Focused Dashboards: Answering the Right Project Questions

Speaker: Scott Stribrny

When: Thursday, February 23, 2023 (06:00 PM - 07:00 PM CST)

FREE Webinar for PMI Heartland Members

Speaker Biography


Scott Stribrny brings nearly 40-years of experience in software, systems, and
management to his client engagements and his Loyola Executive Education
courses. An internationally acknowledged authority in project management,
information systems/technology, systems engineering, and lean development and
management, Scott is interested in the intersections of business, technology, and
organizational risks.

Beginning a corporate career with a start-up firm that went from zero to 100 million
dollars in just five years, Scott moved on to a Fortune 50 conglomerate where he
worked with industry leading engineers, scientists, and the executive suite. Scott
ascended to management and was responsible for the development of
groundbreaking products and services where he applied best practices in project
management. His accumulated management experience ranges across many
industries, including aerospace, telecommunications, finance, insurance, retail,
information services, and manufacturing.

Scott is president, co-founder, and managing director of Group Atlantic, Inc.; a senior
consultant in the business technologies strategies practice for IT research company
the Cutter Consortium; and a thought leader at the IT Metrics and Productivity
Institute. His courses on leadership development, high-performance teams,
requirements definition, risk management, and project estimating are well known for
their innovation and practical applicability.

Scott is widely published on the subjects of risk management and project/program
management and is a frequent keynote speaker at conferences and company
events. He is known for his practical knowledge and content, and refreshing and
engaging delivery.

Description of Presentation

French sociologist Jean Baudrillard once wrote, "Information can tell us
everything. It has all the answers. But they are answers to questions we have not
asked, and which doubtless don't even arise." The point he makes could be
applied to today's project dashboards in general: too often they provide
information that is not meaningful to the questions that a project manager needs
to ask–or knows need to be asked–and to answer concerning a project's status.

What is meaningful project dashboard information? What are the right questions
that a dashboard must answer? The presentation discusses a dashboard
focused on providing the information to support the myriad different types of
decisions a project manager has to make over the course of a project's life.
When that information is provided in a timely fashion and is combined with
forecasting techniques such as prediction-realization diagramming, dashboards
begin to provide information that is truly meaningful.

Learning Objectives

• Identify three characteristics of meaningful dashboard information
• Differentiate between a project being ‘On Course’ vs ‘On the Course
• Select the critical few dashboard measures from the trivial many
• Evaluate team member feedback as a means to provide qualitative as well
as quantitative program status information

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Type of category: Webinars

Type of activity: Ways of Working

Date: February 23rd, 2023

Hour: 18:00 to 19:00

Number of PDUs: 1


Members: Free

Non members: $25.00

