Notification of Annual Elections and Call for Board Nominations

Greetings PMI Heartland Members,

If you have visited our website at you may have noticed that our Chapter Board of Directors is at half strength, with four positions open. As such, I’m asking for members interested in contributing to the success of our Chapter to consider volunteering to run for one of four open positions on our Board of Directors:

1. Vice President, Administration

2. Vice President, Membership

3. Vice President, Operations

4. Vice President, Professional Development

Qualification to run for a position of the Board includes: willingness to spend two years working on the Board, bringing skills to succeed in the position, and prior experience volunteering in the Chapter…especially as a Director.  The Board can waive the prior volunteer experience for candidates who are exceptionally motivated or bring desired skills proven at work or from serving in other non-profit organizations. 

What is expected of these positions?  The VPs are expected to lead their respective areas and orchestrate up to four Directors, attend one two-hour Board meeting per month, participate in a day of strategic planning for the coming year, represent your skill area at annual PMI Regional Leadership Meetings, and assist in the planning, activities and efforts of the Chapter to bring PMI value to our members.

There are a couple of members being looked at for two of these positions and the plan is to have an election for these positions this Fall, so members selected to fill them now would run as the incumbent Board member in that election.  If you would like the opportunity to serve our Chapter while gaining experience as a Board member of a non-profit organization, then please consider volunteering to fill one of these positions on our Board of Directors…or as a supporting Director.  Many hands make for light work.

If you are interested in filling one of these positions, then please email your intent to and let’s talk.

Positions due for Election:

Vice President, Administration:  The Vice President - Administration shall serve as Chapter Secretary or can designate a director to serve as Secretary, and shall keep adequate records of all proceedings, actions, and meetings of the Chapter and Board of Directors, and keep all legal and contractual documentation. Additionally, the Vice President of Administration shall preside over Board meetings in the absence of the Chapter President.

Vice President, Membership:  Responsible for membership administration, member recruitment and retention, member onboarding, and member recognition and volunteers.

Vice President, Operations The Vice President - Operations shall lead the chapter’s team in managing virtual and physical IT assets, and reviewing and developing documentation of processes and policies in support of organizational maturity.

Vice President, Professional Development:  Responsible for PMIH for professional development programs to include, but not limited to, PMI credential exam preparation and recognition, community, and educational outreach, and mentoring.