ALFRA: Managing the Workflow Through Kanban Methodology
Presentation: ALFRA: Managing the Workflow Through Kanban Methodology
Speaker: Edgar Cardenas-Sanchez
When: Thursday, November 17, 2022 (11:00AM - 12:00PM CST)
Free webinar for PMI Heartland members!
Speaker Biography:
Edgar Cardenas-Sanchez started his role as Lean consultant in 2009, since 2014 he led the ALFRA European operations with teams in Romania, Hungary, Spain and Russian. He became Vice-president for global operations in 2020, with projects in Chile, Costa Rica, USA and Mexico.
Edgar has multicultural experience (Romania, Hungary, Japan, Russia, Mexico, Colombia, Spain, USA…) providing support to companies on their improvement journey based on developing teams to improve the quality of people & processes. He has provided support to companies like Bosch, Inteva Products, Scandia, Hino Motors, Kimball, Zebra technologies, Takata, Continental, Dawn Foods, BOA RBT, Mars, Rubbermaid, Emerson, Exide, Harsha Engineers, Steelcase.
He has worked in several industries including, Automotive, Electronics manufacturing, Food & Beverages, Plastics, Shared Service Centers, logistic services, Aerospace, among others. Edgar is advisor for several organizations at leadership level, providing support in languages like English, Spanish and Romanian. Since 2014, Edgar has been developing coaches using the Toyota Kata approach, creating internal capability within the companies. He is an operational excellence speaker at international level Lean Conferences & Summits. He has developed and coached over 1000 managers & leaders in the Lean management philosophy. Certified as Lean Practitioner & Six Sigma´s Black Belt by the IIE, Atlanta, Georgia.
- What is the Kanban method
- Understand the benefits of the Kanban
- Learn the key element to implement it successfully
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