How accepting "the future is in the toilet" can help your team succeed

Power Skills
Presentation: How accepting "the future is in the toilet" can help your team succeed
Speaker: Brent Peckover
When: Thursday, June 29, 2023 (6PM - 7PM CST)
FREE Webinar for PMI Heartland Members

Speaker Bio:
Brent Peckover is the Director of Communications at PMI-CTT (Canada’s Technology Triangle) chapter in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. He is a Project Manager with over 15 years of experience, built the Project Management Office and gating system at his current employer, Christie Digital, and has been working as a product owner for the past 3 years on new products in the UV disinfection space. Brent is fascinated by product and business innovation and strategy, engineering, leadership, and change management. Brent believes the world is full of opportunities, we just have to see them and take action to realize them.
Resilience is an important factor in achieving success. We will explore how setting expectations of what lies ahead can impact the resilience of individuals and teams. I will also touch on some of the activities PMI-CTT is using to solicit feedback from our membership, some of the key takeaways we have learned to date, and our plans to action these in a resilient manner.
Learning Objectives:
1) How expectation level setting can be used to affect the resilience of individuals and teams
2) How changes in the environment can be used to affect the resilience of individuals and teams
3) One method used to obtain both open-ended feedback and discrete option feedback from a large group.
4) Member insights from PMI-CTT
5) Tactics PMI-CTT is exploring to increase member engagement.

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Type of category: Webinars

Type of activity: Power Skills, Ways of Working

Date: June 29th, 2023

Hour: 18:00 to 19:00

Number of PDUs: 1


Members: Free

Non members: Free

